Cicadatra querula (Pallas, 1773)
C. querula, continuous song - rec.: A.V. Popov
[i]C. querula[/i], calling song, short echemes - rec.: A.V. Popov
Popov AV (1975). The structure of timbals and characteristics of sound signals of singing cicadas (Homoptera, Cicadidae) from the southern regions of the USSR. Rev Entomol URSS 54 (2): 258-290
Popov AV, Aronov IB, Sergeeva MV (1985). Calling songs and hearing in cicadas from soviet Middle Asia. Zh Evol Biokh Physiol 21 (5): 451-462
Popov AV (1989). Species of singing cicadas revealed on the basis of peculiarities of acoustic behaviour I. Cicadatra cataphractica Popov (ex gr. querula)(Homoptera, Cicadidae). Rev Entomol URSS 68 (2): 291-307