Cicadatra querula :: European Cicadas

Cicadatra querula (Pallas, 1773)

C. querula, continuous song - rec.: A.V. Popov

[i]C. querula[/i], calling song, short echemes - rec.: A.V. Popov

<em>C. querula</em>, specimen from Tajikistan - photo M.G.
<em>C. querula</em>, specimen from Iran, photo M.G.


Popov AV (1975). The structure of timbals and characteristics of sound signals of singing cicadas (Homoptera, Cicadidae) from the southern regions of the USSR. Rev Entomol URSS 54 (2): 258-290

Popov AV, Aronov IB, Sergeeva MV (1985). Calling songs and hearing in cicadas from soviet Middle Asia. Zh Evol Biokh Physiol 21 (5): 451-462

Popov AV (1989). Species of singing cicadas revealed on the basis of peculiarities of acoustic behaviour I. Cicadatra cataphractica Popov (ex gr. querula)(Homoptera, Cicadidae). Rev Entomol URSS 68 (2): 291-307

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